Even More Beginner (And Intermediate) Coding Resources

I decided to make a follow-up to my previous post on coding resources because I had a bunch of other resources I wanted to share, especially some that are beyond the beginner level.


Teaching Yourself How to Code - A Bunch of Beginner Coding Resources

I love giving people resources for learning how to code, so I thought I should probably just make a blog post about it. I was especially inspired by Neha’s talk on teaching yourself how to code. Her talk was 1000% accurate, but I used and recommend totally different resources. These are just some of the resources I used, but they’re the ones I see as impacting my coding journey the most.


So You Need to Make a Static Website with Repetition and Logic

Or When and How to Use Middleman

Maybe you’ve made static websites, maybe you’ve made Rails applications, but what happens if you need to make something that’s in between? It’s not a dynamic application, but it will require repetitive code, use logic, or change frequently enough to make changing the code by hand a pain. The solution? Possibly Middleman.


Sometimes It's Not Your Fault

My blog has been pretty dead for a while, as I’ve been busy with starting a new job, moving, learning how to be an adult, etc. But that’s not the reason I first stopped posting on the blog - it was because I was questioning everything I was saying. My pet project was falling apart with problems I couldn’t explain, and I thought I’d messed it up terribly.


Parsing JSON and Passing Data Into a Table

Last week I talked about querying data from an open data API for use in my project, SaferNYC. In this post, I’ll talk about the results of those queries and how to deal with that data.