So You Need to Make a Static Website with Repetition and Logic
22 Apr 2015Or When and How to Use Middleman
Maybe you’ve made static websites, maybe you’ve made Rails applications, but what happens if you need to make something that’s in between? It’s not a dynamic application, but it will require repetitive code, use logic, or change frequently enough to make changing the code by hand a pain. The solution? Possibly Middleman.
Middleman is a Ruby-based static site generator that’s reminiscent of Rails and keeps its opinions mostly to itself. Static site generators can handle logic and cut repetition, but they build into static pages that are much faster and easier to host than applications.
There are many other well-known options, such as Octopress and Jekyll (which this blog is on), but most are intended primarily for developer blogs. It’s certainly possible to use most such generators for more, but their main purpose tends to be overly clear.
Middleman is more of a blank slate, at least to a Rails developer. It feels like using a lightweight version of Rails, complete with access to many of the basic helper methods available in Rails. It comes with built-in support for ERb, Haml, Sass, SCSS, and CoffeeScript.
Most importantly, Middleman makes it easy to add data and helpers. Data files allow you to add data or content using YAML or JSON. This data can then be accessed from the views and/or config file. Meanwhile, helper methods in the config file or in separate modules can perform logic in Ruby that can be used in the views.
Use Data, Variables, and Proxies
With Middleman, you can generate repetitive pages based on
JSON data by adding a
proxy to the config.rb
# Creates person_page for each person do |person|
proxy "/#{}.html", "/person_page.html", locals: {
Then in person_page.html.erb
, you can take advantage of the locals provided by
the proxy:
<div id="person-info">
<h1><%= name %></h1>
<%= image_tag("images/#{photo}") %>
<%= bio.html_safe %>
No matter how many people you have or edits you make, you only need to change
or the corresponding JSON, but when you create the build,
a file will be generated for each person, named using their id, with their name,
photo, and bio filled in.
Perform Logic in Helpers
Adding links to each page to allow someone to continuously flip through a set of people pages requires a bit of logic, which is where being able to add helpers to the config file is incredibly important.
helpers do
# Links back button to previous person
def previous_id(current_id)
if current_id == 1
current_id - 1
# Links next button to next person
def next_id(current_id)
if current_id ==
current_id + 1
But Beware
Middleman is not automatically set up for relative linking, and if you’re not prepared for that, you’ll be in for a rude surprise when you make your build and find yourself without styling, images, or linking between pages.
To allow relative links pointing to
assets - stylesheets, javascripts, images, etc. -
add activate :relative_assets
to the build configuration in the
config file. To enable relative linking elsewhere, add set :relative_links,
to the config file (outside the build configuration). Also, you’ll
need to use link_to
helpers instead of just a href
Although it seems a bit odd to have link_to
but not relative linking,
Middleman is pretty generous with the helper methods. Make sure to
check out the full list
because you may be surprised by what’s available.
And if you need something more, Middleman seems like the type of framework where the sky is the limit. At least as long as you’re still just looking for a static site generator.