Using the Socrata Open Data API and Gem to Make Complex Queries

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been working on my capstone project for Metis. My project, SaferNYC, explores data from NYC Open Data, visualizing New York City car collisions involving cyclists and pedestrians. You can view my project at



Or how to make forms within forms to make forms within forms. The key here is the magic (yes, actual magic) of accepts_nested_attributes_for.


Changeability and Design

I always come up with ideas for posts, but then I never feel like actually writing the posts. So now I have to combine several of the topics I was intending to write about, including git and polymorphism. They do, after all, have the same themes in common. In short, they can provide, and are best used with, carefully planned design and an ability to smoothly make changes as time goes on.


Strings and Arrays and Linked Lists, Oh My!

I’ve spent some time the past couple weeks learning about data structures and algorithms. I started out here, reading about some of the basics of data structures. I’ve since been reading Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures on Interactive Python, and everything is starting to make more sense.


Running on Rails

I’m going to start aiming for shorter, more frequent posts. The last couple weeks have been pretty overwhelming, as we started learning Rails. There is basically just so much information, I don’t know where to start. Regardless, Rails is great. I didn’t expect to like it so much. But this weekend I’ve been at a hackathon where I was asked to work on a Bootstrap and a Wordpress site, and I desperately missed the organization and structure of Rails.